Senior Year and Graduation

Courtesy of the Gross Family Collection

Senior Check

In the first quarter of your senior year, you must complete a final review of your Jewish studies major degree progress. The purpose of completing a senior check early in your final year is to make sure you are on track to finish all of your major requirements by your planned quarter of graduation and to ensure you donʼt experience any last minute surprises! Your completed senior check form must be submitted to the Jewish Studies Undergraduate Program Coordinator no later than two quarters before you intend to graduate. Students who do not submit their Senior Check for review may have their graduation date delayed.

Complete the Jewish Studies Senior Check form (enterable PDF) and submit it to the History Department office by the deadlines listed below. The Jewish Studies Undergraduate Program Coordinator will notify you by your UCSC email address once your senior check form has been reviewed.


Spring and Summer 2025 Graduation: Tuesday, October 15
Fall 2025 Graduation: Thursday, January 23
Winter 2026 Graduation: Thursday, April 17

All students who announce candidacy during the academic year are reviewed for honors or highest honors in the major. The Jewish Studies Academic Advising Committee determines honors based upon students performance in their Jewish studies courses. The minimum standard applied is excellence in most courses for honors, and excellence in all courses for highest honors. Summer graduates are reviewed for honors in Fall quarter.

Honors in the Jewish Studies Major

All students who announce candidacy during the academic year are reviewed for honors or highest honors in the major. The Jewish studies faculty advisers determine honors based upon courses applied toward the Jewish studies major. Performance in courses taken elsewhere and being transferred toward the major will be considered when applicable. The minimum standard applied is excellence in most courses for honors, and excellence in all courses for highest honors. Summer, fall, and winter graduates will be reviewed at the end of each of their respective quarters. Spring graduates will be reviewed as of the spring announcement of candidacy deadline.

Announcement of Candidacy and the Commencement Ceremony

To graduate from UCSC with a bachelor's degree in Jewish studies, you must complete all of the major requirements, including the comprehensive (exit) requirement. You must also satisfy general education, University, residency, college, and credit requirements.

To graduate from UCSC with a bachelor's degree in Jewish studies, you must complete all of the major requirements, including the comprehensive (exit) requirement. You must also satisfy UCSC's graduation, general education, university, and college requirements.

Participation in the commencement ceremony and degree conferral are two separate, parallel processes. The Commencement Ceremony is coordinated by the colleges, with whom students communicate about all commencement activities. Conferral of a student's degree is generated by his or her Announcement of Candidacy. Quarterly deadlines for announcing candidacy can be found on the Academic and Administrative Calendar.