Jewish Studies Minor
The minor requires a minimum of eight courses. A minimum of 5 upper-division courses must be completed within the Jewish studies minor course requirements. In consultation with a faculty advisor, students will plan a program of study to fulfill the following distribution of courses:
Minor Planning Worksheet
Copy a Jewish Studies Minor Planning Worksheet to your UCSC Google Drive.
Lower-Division Course
One of the following Jewish studies core courses:
- History 74, Introduction to Jewish History and Cultures
- History 74A, Introduction to Middle Eastern and North African Jewish History, Ancient to Early Modern
- History 74B, Introduction to Middle Eastern and North African Jewish History, 1500-2000
- History 75, Film and the Holocaust
- History 76, The Holocaust: A Global Perspective
- Literature 61J, Introduction to Jewish Literature and Culture
Upper-Division Courses
Three upper-division Jewish studies core courses.
Four additional core or elective courses from the Jewish studies curriculum, two of which must be upper-division.
Jewish Studies Courses
Course offerings vary by year. See the Jewish Studies Courses list for current course offerings. The comprehensive list of Jewish studies courses may be found in the UCSC General Catalog.
Declare the Jewish Studies Minor
I. Declare Your Major or Check-in with Your Major Advisor
- Declaring your major and minor in the same quarter: Obtain an approved UCSC Academic Planning Form from your major advisor when you declare.
- Declaring your Jewish studies minor after you've declared a major: Meet with your major advisor to create or update your UCSC Academic Planning Form. Your UCSC Academic Planning Form must be current and up to date—reviewed and approved by your major advisor within the last academic quarter—to declare the Jewish studies minor.
II. Submit a Petition for Major/Minor via MyUCSC
Log into MyUCSC (very important first step!) and submit a Petition for Major/Minor. You will be contacted by email within 5-7 business days with further instructions on how to declare your minor.
This petition can also be accessed by navigating to the Student Homepage in MyUCSC and selecting the Undergraduate Student eForms tile > Petition for Major/Minor.